Strømme Foundation
We are pleased to announce that Strømme Foundation will become one of the impactors at ‘SHARE’. Strømme Foundation is a rights-based development NGO that works towards a vision of a world free from poverty. Their most important interventions in the fight against poverty are education, economic inclusion / job creation and a strong civil society. Great things can happen when many share one common vision! Strømme Foundation’s ambition is to help the poorest and most marginalized, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, gender, disability or other minority status, so that they can take charge of their own lives. They strive to facilitate change, not only by meeting material needs, but also in particular by creating opportunities for people to utilize their talents in a wide-spaced development process and take charge of their own lives and communities. All programs mainstream their cross-cutting issues of gender equality, environment and climate change, inclusion and anti-corruption. We are extremely thrilled about having them onboard. Many of you will have common interest with Strømme Foundation. We give them a warm welcome.